March 15, 2025

Why Go To Church With All These Restrictions In Place?

Worship in the sanctuary of First United Methodist Church of Sulphur Springs, Texas, resumes, albeit with seating restrictions and other safety measures related to the coronavirus pandemic. The church’s June 14 in-person services were its first since March 8. Photo by Sam Hodges, UM News.

This is a question several people are asking. After the coronavirus pandemic came, all churches and all other gatherings were closed down to avoid spreading the virus. The challenge is that even after the government has eased down the restrictions and allowed people to go back to church with precautions, believers still feel that church is not safe and they can as well worship virtually as services are recorded live.

Change is difficult. It must have been so hard for believers to accept that on Sundays, no one is going to church. This time too, it will take some time for some of them to also go back. This article is meant to encourage believers to go back to church. 

Government as given very clear guidelines on how to take care of oneself during this pandemic. Simple steps like wash/sanitize your hands, use a mask, cover yourself using your elbow when you want to cough or sneeze, and maintain a social distance, can be followed by everyone at any time.

I believe that someone who wakes up every weekday and goes to work should also attend service because the churches have taken a step of creating a safe space through following directives from the government. The church is safe as long as you take care of yourself.

Below, are some of the reasons why believers should go to church:

  1. The Bible encourages having fellowships together where people should share, pray, and sing together. 
  2. We are human beings. Naturally, we are social beings. Virtual meetings are quite good but meeting in person satisfies the heart more.
  3. You have a job to do. In the church, we are all important and every single person attending that service has a role to play. Therefore, unless you really cannot make it, it is important to go and perform that task.
  4. Ceremonies such as weddings, baptism, communal services cannot be done online. This will force believers to go back to church.
  5. After all that we have witnessed during this pandemic period, believers must give thanks to the Almighty. Go worship your maker!